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Surround Yourself With This To Feel Good…










I’ve learned that beauty is a source of healing.

And that surrounding yourself with beauty lifts you up.


During the darkest times in my life, I instinctively sought out beauty to make me feel better. When I had lost my 12-year career and my health a few years ago, I felt so lost and depressed. I felt like I had lost my identity. I believed my outward self-image was me. I needed some ray of hope to get myself out of this pain.

Even though I did not know how to get better, my gut told me to just find little ways to feel better. For me, it was expressing myself through my style. I remember going out window shopping and being inspired by beautiful things. This simple act gave me some sense of relief. It was not even about buying anything. It was about connecting with something physical that helped me connect with something deeper within myself. Something that I felt like I had lost at the time. But in reality, I had not lost anything.


What I realized was that this creative process was about remembering who I truly was.

When I was drawn to something feminine, it reminded me of my own natural beauty within.

When I was attracted to something bold, it reminded me of my own courage.

When I loved something unusual, it spoke to my free spirit and independence.

I realized that when I surrounded myself with beauty, my energy was naturally lifted.


When my energy was up, I felt better.

My vibe felt alive and empowered.

I became a magnet for more beauty in my life.

My outer world eventually reflected the beauty of my inner world.


This is what I have learned.

Beauty is not a superficial, material or selfish pursuit.

Beauty is a conscious form of healing.

Surrounding yourself with beauty is sacred.

And adorning yourself with beauty is an act of self-love. (Click to tweet!)

Honor who you are on the inside and celebrate your true beauty from the inside out.


If you’d like more support to connect with the essence of who you are and express your own inner beauty and style, I’d love for you to check out my e-book, “Spirit of S.T.Y.L.E.” Truly created from my heart to yours. xo






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2 Responses to Surround Yourself With This To Feel Good…

  1. Carlaquarius February 19, 2014 at 4:03 pm #

    So true, Jenn! Beauty is everywhere and could be anything. In times of struggle just catching on to one little piece of it can be all you need. I find this post quite beautiful. 😉

    • Jenn February 19, 2014 at 4:14 pm #

      Thanks, Carla! Yes, beauty is meant to tap into and inspired deeper parts of ourselves.<3

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