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Tag Archives | connection

Your beauty brand represents your unique calling.
Your brand expresses your passion and mission to make your own soulful mark on the world.

Featured Quiet Leader: Shavonne Broom

You can be vulnerable AND strong. You can be quiet AND fierce. You don’t have to be one or the other. You are unlimited. As an introvert, you are meant to lead in your own way.   Hope you enjoyed the first interview with Jaleh in my “Quiet Voice Big Impact” interview series where I


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7 Lessons I Wish I Knew When I Started My Biz

This year marks 7 years that I’ve been in the entrepreneurial game. If I had a time machine and could go back to when I first started my biz, I would share these valuable lessons with myself. No matter where you are on your own journey, I hope these lessons serve you too.   1.


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3 AHAs I Learned From Gabrielle Bernstein Last Week

As an introvert, I love going deep and creating real connection. When I went to see Gabrielle Bernstein speak at an event here in H-town last week, she was speakin my language. She shared so much truth and definitely went deep to allow for genuine connections to be made – within ourselves and with others.


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